Live performances

October 7th 2023 A evening with ‘DyNaMix Choir & DSFRS Concert Band - St Michael & All Angels Church. 7:30pm (Doors 7pm). For tickets use QR code on poster or buy on the door.

August 22nd 2023 ‘DyNamix Choir’ @ Topsham Town Fayre - Matthews Hall, Topsham. 7:30pm (Doors 7pm) Tickets call: 01392 875695 *All proceeds to Topsham Town Fayre & Lions Charities.

July 19th 2023 ‘DyNaMix Choir Exeter’s Annual Summer Concert’ - In aid of ‘Balloons Charity’. St Michael & All Angels Church, Heavitree. 7:30pm (Doors7pm) Tickets call: Hannah 07786878245

July 18th 2023 ‘DyNaMix Choir Barnstaple’s Annual Summer Concert’ - In aid of ‘Over & Above’ Charity. St John the Baptist Church, Bishops Tawton. 7:30pm (Doors 7pm) Tickets call: Jo 01271 323658

June 27th 2023 ‘DyNaMix Choir @ RNLI Fundraising Concert - The Barnstaple Hotel, Braunton Rd. Tickets are available from the following; Philip Sanders: 01271 459035 / Tony Allen: 01271 329919

May 26th 2023 ‘DyNaMix Choir @ Bideford Baptist’s 202nd Birthday Concert - Bideford Baptist Church. Doors open 7pm. Tickets available from Cool Beans Cafe, Mill St OR Dave & Janice Goodney on - 01237 471893 / 07906600088

May 13th 2023 ‘DyNaMix Choir @ Cliff Railway Day, Steampunk Festival - Performance time 1pm - 2pm at the top station, Lynton.

April 22nd 2023 ‘DyNaMix Choir @ Three Choir Concert - St David’s Church, Exeter. Doors open 6:30pm. 7pm start.

May 30th 2020 ‘DyNaMix Exeter - Ottery St Mary’s Festival - Held at Ottery St Mary’s Garden Centre. Performing at 5:15pm.

May 9th 2020 ‘DyNaMix Barnstaple - Lynton Victorian/Steampunk Festival - Held at Lynton & Lynmouth Cliff Railway. Performance time TBC.

April 3rd 2020 ‘DyNaMix Exeter - “RDE Heros” @ John Lewis - Held at John Lewis, Exeter. Starts 6:30pm. All welcome.

March 7th 2020 ‘DyNaMix Barnstaple - The Big Sing’ - The Big Sheep. Join a whole host of Choirs from across North Devon for “the big sing'“. Starts at 2pm.

Feb 19th 2020 ‘DyNaMix Exeter - Alphington Village Hall - Concert to raise money for the hall. See Facebook page for tickets details. Doors open 7pm. 7:30Pm Start.

Feb 11th 2020 ‘DyNaMix Barnstaple - Hospiscare Charity Concert’ - South Molton Community College. Tickets Available (Go to Facebook page for details). 7:30pm Start.

Sept 21st 2019 ‘The Greatest Showchoir’ - All Hallows Church, Twickenham. £5 Adults / £2.50 Children. Doors Open 6:30pm. 7:30pm Start.

July 30th 2019 A midsummers nights Choir - Bishops Tawton Church. Doors open 7:30pm.

May 7th 2019 A night with DyNaMix in aid of Whizz kids - The Factory, Petroc, Roundswell, Barnstaple. Doors open 7:00pm.

April 9th 2019 ‘Another night with DyNaMix’ - West Buckland Church, West Buckland. Doors open at 7:00pm

March 7th 2019 DyNaMix Twickenham FREE Open Session! All Hallows Church, Erncroft Way, Twickenham. TW1 1D. 7:30pm - 9:00pm

Feb 23rd 2019 ‘Alzheimers Society’ Charity Single Recording - Crescent Record Studios, Swindon.

Dec 16th 2018 ‘Kenith Castle Carehome Carols’ - Private Event. Kenneth Castle Care Home, Westward Ho!

Dec 13th 2018 DyNaMix Street Food Event - Barnstaple Pannier Market. 20:00pm

Dec 11th 2018 DyNaMix Present - ‘Glitter Ball’ - St John The Baptist Church, Bishops Tawton. 7:00pm

Dec 2nd 2018                                            Bideford Christmas Lights - Bideford Quay. 16:00 - 17:00pm.


Sept 8th 2018                                            Private Wedding - Appledore, North Devon. 7pm


July 28th 2018 Relay for life - Charity Event in aid of Cancer Research. Barnstaple Football ground. 19:30pm.

July 17th 2018                                          Charity Evening in aid of St John's Baptist Church - St John's Baptist Church, Bishops Tawton. (Dynamix performance 8 - 9pm)

July 1st 2018 NHS Charity Gig - Barnstaple Hospital Grounds. 3:00pm


June 8th 2018                                           'Honey's Bravery Bags Charity Ball' - Ocean Kaves, Westward Ho! *Ticketed Event


June 7th 2018                                           'NDVS Rewards Evening' - Cedars Hotel, Barnstaple. 6:00pm - 8:00pm


May 28th 2018                                          'North Devon Beer Festival' - Barnstaple Pannier Market, Barnstaple. 1:00pm - 1.30pm


May 20th 2018                                           Kenwith Castle Care Home - Kenwith Castle Care Home, Westward Ho! 3:00pm - 3:30pm


April 28th 2018                                          Lion Eyes Life 'Summer Retreat' - Country Way Cottages, Umberleigh, North Devon. 


December 14th 2017                                Barnstaple 'Late night shopping' - Barnstaple High St. 7.00 - 7.30pm


December 1st 2017                                  Farmington Christmas Tree Lights With-on - Fremington, North Devon. 6.30 - 7.00pm


November 3rd 2017                                  Jalapeños 'Day of the dead' Halloween Party - Jalapeños Restaurant, Barnstaple.


May 28th 2017                                          'North Devon Beer Festival' (our first ever gig!) - Barnstaple Pannier Market, Barnstaple. 


April 1st 2017                                           'Stagecoach Charity Variety Night' - Pilton School, Barnstaple.